Friday 8 July 2011


The colour black for an anarchist is the colour that describes
well all emotions.

The colour of void, the colour of aggression, the colour of mourning,
but ironically not considered a colour at all, which is a discrimination
the political ideology itself faces, the right to be considered as anything
more than just a fashionable term.

We are fucking angry.

Check out my series of explorations with the colour over my early stages of
my BTEC.

Black, the colour of thought.

Black, the colour of infection.

Black, the colour of empty.

Thursday 7 July 2011

Fragility soon turns to despair.

We all feel like this sometimes.

Urban. Decay.

A video i made through a distorted lense, and through a distorted
use of time, I explored the Heygate estate through film.
A response to Decasia, the absense of this film should
allow you to fill in the missing spaces, create your own conclusions of
this void space.

Candyglossred. We are women after all.

My obsession with all things red and sweet knows no boundaries.
Some of my lesser known photography.

Lollipops make the world a better place.